Saturday, September 1, 2007

The answer is...

None of your flippin' business, but "never" will work too.

The question, "When are you having another baby?"

Okay, here is my long reply...

Just because I'm Mormon and just because I got married at 18 does NOT automatically imply that I will be birthing 12 kids.

If you knew me at all you wouldn't even consider asking the previous question for very obvious reasons. If you know me you would already know that we have spent thousands of dollars trying to get pregnant with the first two. You'd also know that I am at my mommy max with the previously mentioned two.

After countless tests, surgery, fertility drugs, intrusive fertility treatments, two horrible pregnancies, two c-sections, two bouts of post-pardum depression, at least 4 fertility cycles that didn't work, a chemical pregnancy, and 7 years of complete roller coaster emotions, my final answer is, "DON'T ASK. If I get my way, we are 100% DONE, if Ben gets his way we are probably 85% done." And for the record, I AM allowed to change my mind in the future if I decide to do so. (Not that it will matter b/c we can't get pregnant anyway.)

We are thrilled with the two we have, we love them, we are extra lucky to have one of each, and we appreciate the fact that we even were able to conceive them. With that said, no, we are not bummed out that we can't get pregnant again, and yes, we are done. Stop asking.


Kelly said...

You've got one of each and have been so blessed. How perfect is that?

Ben said...

Um....I guess we're done then, boss ;-)

Allison @ House of Hepworths said...

Um.... you, er, uh, weren't... uh... suppose to... er... read that part... ummmmm....