Thursday, February 21, 2008

New Read

I just bought:

Water For Elephants.

I've heard really great reviews about this book. I read the Prologue and Chapter 1 so far. I think I'm going to enjoy it.

Also, I finished this book recently:

Eat Love Pray

I know several people that just didn't get it or like it at all. I, however, was not one of them. I really enjoyed the book and I really connected with the author. I feel like I really learned a lot from her journey to find peace and to grow more spiritual. The Third and final section of this book was a bit more slow for me, but all in all I really liked it. And it has good quotes in it. As soon as I get my copy back from my mom I'm going to post all the great quotes I underlined.

I just spent $42 on...

Cow Tails.

I bought 4 boxes - one in each flavor. There are 32 candies per box.

What has gotten into me?

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

First ever Celebrity sighting

I work out at Golds Gym here in Long Branch, NJ. It's on the first floor of my apartment complex. So... while I was running on the treadmill I started chatting it up with these two people on either side of me. They both knew each other so I was kinda in the middle of their conversation so I just jumped right in. So, anyway, I tell them I'm from Texas and they say that I can't live in NJ unless I know who Bruce Springsteen is. (Of course, you NJ ladies had already told me that!) I mention that I had heard that and that I need to buy his CD. :bag: And then the girl says,

"Well, he's right over there (and points down to the free weight area)."

She told me that he works out there every morning. So of course, I stare at him for awhile and didn't recognize him at all b/c I'm not really into that type of music....

When I got home I looked up his photo on google. Sure enough, this is the exact person who works out at the same exact gym as me... every day!

He looks exactly like this! He even has the soul patch.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Funniest TMZ post of the month

This post caught me so off guard that I almost sprayed soda on my computer when I saw it. It's pretty clever.