Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Ewww... Sicko!

Last night K-bear was asleep in our bed and woke up around 2am and just started puking everywhere. It was so disgusting! I tried to grab a blanket to catch all the vomit, but she freaked out and pushed the blanket away. Then she started trying to push the hair out of her face and was basically crying and freaking out.

We get up and turn on the light and start stripping the sheets off the bed. K-bear is covered in puke from head to toe. It was all in her hair and all over herself. She even managed to get it in my hair. Hubbs and I had to sleep on the couches the rest of the night b/c there was so much puke everywhere.

So, anyway, she is fine today. No fever, no throwing up, no nothing.

It gets worse though... I washed all the pukie stuff today and when I pulled it out of the dryer there was dried GUM stuck to everything!! It was even melted and stuck all over the inside barrel of the dryer. Apparently she had swallowed gum yesterday and threw it back up. So not only did I have to deal with vomit in my hair, now half my clothes are ruined from regurgitated bubble gum in the dryer!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Psst, guess what!?!

I ran my first 5k today (in over 2 years). I ran it on the treadmill - not in an official 5k race, but I still did it! My time was 37.22 minutes! 12 minutes per mile would equal 38.4 minutes, so I ran at under 12 minutes per mile!!! My actual time per mile comes out to 11.63 minutes per mile!
Woot Woot!

On a side note, I was up .6 lbs this week from last (Boo Hoo!) BUT (TMI) I am bloated and Aunt Flow is visiting this week. AND I have been working out so much that I'm sure I've gained muscle this week. I'm sure next week will be a large drop in weight. I tend to have a large drop every other week and stay the same on the in between weeks. I've noticed that my weight fluctuation really follows my cycle.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Guess what I'm wearing today!?!

Only a pair of jeans that have been too small for the past year and a half! Weight Watchers rocks!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Just another reason to celebrate!

Ben and I went out to lunch today. When we pulled into his office parking lot after lunch EVERYONE from the entire building was outside. There were people everywhere. They were all eating popsicles and were gathered around a huge bouquet of balloons. It looked like a carnival! We rolled down the window and asked one of Ben's co-workers what the heck was going on (and why were we not invited?)!!? His reply,

"the fire alarm went off and they had to evacuate the building."

Hmmm, yes, I guess a potential FIRE is a perfect reason to celebrate! lol

Saturday, October 13, 2007

"Worth it" moment last night

Travis just learned how to ride his bike last week. Last night we took him to the soccer fields parking lot and he rode around forever. The air was crisp and breezy and I was in my running/workout gear, so I decided I wanted to run the trail around the soccer fields (about a mile I would guess). Travis rode his bike while I ran and it was so nice to have him as a running partner. It's nice that my boy is finally big enough to go running with me (even though he was on his bike). I can't really explain it, but I just was loving every moment of my jog with him.

Go me

I had a surge of business at on Thursday and Friday. In two days I had over $135 in orders come in! Word must be spreading about my bows because I only knew one of the people that bought from me. I've never heard of the others. :) I guess we should really get my site re-done quickly because it looks so messed up and tacky right now!
Anyway, go me!

Monday, October 8, 2007

Still loving Weight Watchers!

My first week on Weight Watchers I only lost 1.6 lbs, but this past week I lost 3.4 lbs!!! I've lost a total of 5 lbs in two weeks!! I only have about 3-4 lbs to go before I bust out the smaller size, and then another 15 before I'm in my "skinny" clothes again (the smallest size I've ever been in my adult life). I'm hoping to go at least 2 to 3 sizes smaller than that though. Baby steps... I don't want to get too excited and jinx myself, but I'm so dang happy! And the best part about Weight Watchers over other diets... It's so easy! I've tried them all and WW is just really really easy.
I don't go to meetings. 3 years ago I went online and bought the "At Home" kit from WW dot com. They sent me a fat packet of pamphlets etc, but the most important thing that I use is the calculator. It adds up my points for me.
I feel like I have to get into this certain zone before I can start a diet and stick with it, and I don't want to talk too much about WW because I'm really afraid if I start talking about it all the time it will throw me out of my zone. lol. Anyway, 5 lbs in 2 weeks... I'm really happy today!