Friday, May 21, 2010

Mmmmm Kaaaaaaaaay Whatevs

I took the kids to the park today. So I'm sitting there watching the kids reading my Google Reader on my iPhone when this lady comes over and starts chatting with me totally interrupts my craft blog reading (how wooode!).

So she says something to the effect of,

"Your ora is really bright. You've got a really great ora about you."

"Um, okay thanks." {fake smile} But what I'm really thinking is "A) why is this weird woman telling me this, and B) can't she see I'm busy reading blogs?!?!"

I try to look back down at my phone and brush her off, but then she starts again...

"You've got a really bright future. I can see a bright future for you. You have such a positive energy and ora."

So I look up again and smile and say, "Uh, okay. Er, thanks."

And she's all, "You've had a really horrible year this past year. You've had so many obstacles in your way, but it's okay now! Your future is very bright with lots of great things to come."

So now I'm backing away slowly trying to just get away from her so I can go back to watching the kids so they don't get kidnapped reading my phone AND she follows me. AND she won't stop talking about my ora! My great positive happy ora that I've got flowing all around me!

So now she's blabbing on that she's a Physic and do I want to have my fortune or palm read. BINGO. I knew she had a point to her blabbing and stalking.

"Uh, no thanks."

"But your future is so bright!"

"How much do you charge for a reading?"

"Only ten dollars! Don't you want to know how bright your future is?"

At this point I'm thinking there's no way I'm paying a single penny because this lady obviously has no clue how to do her job. I've had a great year this past year. And yes, this next year looks bright too so I guess she got that part right. But saying I've had a horrible year with lots of obstacles? When she said that I new she was a fake.

So I guess it was kinda rude in hindsight but I told her, "TEN DOLLARS?! I'm really not interested in paying ten dollars to have my positive ora told to me. Thanks though."

And I walked away. Beaming with all my positive mojo and energy. Weird-o.

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