Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Sate of Shock

Lindsey's ex-husband Joey apparently committed suicide last night.

My sister divorced Joey in April of this year b/c he was really mentally unstable. When he was stable he was such a great amazing fun person with a wicked sense of humor.

His depression and mental illness got the best of him last night and he committed suicide. We are all taking it hard, especially my sister. She loved him so much and was devastated that she eventually had to divorce him and get him committed to a mental institution. She never has stopped caring about him and this whole ordeal has been just awful for her.

We are all in shock and are still trying to compute the reality of this. His family hasn't given any additional details yet.

Joey and T-ster with Spiderman in New York last year.


Hoskins Blog said...

Wow..I really hope she is doing okay. My husbands brother commited suicide before we were married, and it's just an awful thing to go through..I'm so sorry.

Courtney said...

As Joey's sister, I am pretty unhappy with the way you made Joey out to be. She knew that he had mental illness before she married him, and she married him anyway. She didn't HAVE to divorce him. In fact, when you marry, you marry in SICKNESS and in health. You stand by their side to help them through whatever comes your way. Don't make it out to be HIS fault, because she chose to marry him, and she chose to divorce him. I told Lindsey yesterday that I don't believe this to be her fault in any way, but I still think that she chose to handle things poorly, and it was because of the advice of family.

Courtney said...

Another thing... SHE didn't COMMIT him. He CHOSE to go in on his own. He wasn't psychotic as you make him out to be, he just struggled with severe depression.
Is it really necessary to make him seem to be a horrible person? I mean, he's not even alive anymore. Give him a break.

Dan and Merideth said...

Courtney, I think you should take a deep breath. All Allison is saying is that we loved him as well as Lindsey.

Lindsey chose to divorce Joey... Yes you are correct. Lindsey could not handle the pressure that came with caring for someone who is sick. Im sorry that your family had to suffer because of her decision.

Im sorry that you feel like our family persuaded her in any way... Had the tables been turned you would have take care of your own as well.

I hope you can see that no one -including Allison & Ben- wish you, your Family or Joey any harm in any way. Please don't take the things written by my family personal; the blog was only written out of love.